I was amazed and very excited to have found some awesome Steampunk art/jewelry close to my home in Escondido, CA.
For those of you that don't know what Steampunk is, it is a fashion-lifestyle inspired by the victorian style and the industrialized machinery era. It is supposed to be based on a fictional era to which many movies have adopted for the time their stories takes place, being these usually in the wild west, or 19-20th century somewhere in mid-europe. I love the passion that people have when dressing in these very creative outfits, and when they make their own gear. To give you an example of some of the movies you might find Steampunk attire, just think of: Wild, wild west, League of extraordinary gentlemen, Sherlock Holmes, Hugo, among others.
Now that you sort of have the idea, let me tell you that it is not very easy to find places to actually see some of the art inspired on Steampunk. There are places online were someone can find things every now and then, but it is never the same as of being there, touching it, and being able to see it on before a purchase. Well let me tell you my friends, I was so excited when I bumped into it at the Farmer's Market up in Escondido.
Since my husband and I have been going Organic with our food, we have been going to farmer's markets more often. On Sundays from 10:30am to 3:30pm, at the North San Diego Certified Farmer's Market, you not only find some of the best tasting organic food, but you also find some really cools stuff, including Original Steampunk jewelry and Art made by Paula Marie Cameron.
If you live in the North San Diego area, come check it out. To find Paula's art, look for Perpetual Motion Creations, where she offers unique upcycled jewelry designs and all things steampunk. She is an amazing artist, and she is just great to have a conversation with. I can't wait for her website to be finished so I can see more of her work and share it with you guys here. In the mean time, I am happy every time that Sunday comes and I get to go and explore her outstanding work of art. The best part is that it is not only for display, since you get to buy all sort of goodies.
Here I can share some photos of a couple of things that she sales, but don't wait too long, first come first served. If you like what you see, don't hesitate to visit her at the Farmer's Market on Sundays.
Here's the address so you can come visit.
12655 Sunset Drive, Escondido, CA 92025.
It is located in the area of the park at Lake Hodges in front of the North County Fair Mall.
To get exact directions go to their website: http://www.northsdfarmersmarket.com/
In the mean time, if you want to see more of Perpetual Motion Creations by Paula Cameron, go to her facebook page to have access to photos of the many wonderful things she creates, and don't forget to Like. You don't need to live in the North San Diego area to get in touch with Paula, send her a message if you like her art as much as I do.
Have a great weekend, and I hope you guys can make it to the North San Diego Certified Farmer's Market this Sunday. It is a great opportunity to get your Christmas gifts for that special someone, including the special YOU!
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