About me
Name: Laura VaraLocation: North San Diego County, CA
I am a happily married latino woman,
with a passion for all kinds of products, and curiosity to find out what
they have to offer us the consumer. As many other product consumers, I worry about having the best of the best in my home. For
that I believe strongly in the mouth-to-mouth advertisement, and the
newest trends of online-reviewing to make sure that those great
products end up in my loving nest. I am a proud participant of this
type of advertisement, by giving my sincere and honest opinion about the
things I love the most, such as:
- Toys and Dolls; Specially Disney Everything and all types of collectible dolls.
- Technology and other gadgets; I have been into computers and software since a very early age.
- Fashion Trends
- Food; Thanks to my husband, who grew up in a family that loved to experience different tastes, the developed a passion for cooking, therefore he is an excellent critique and therefore I am learning myself. Specially now that we grow some of our food organically, and we love to share what we do in our youtube channel.
- Travel & Hospitality Services; I was lucky to work for an airline for almost 6 years, and had the toughest passengers, these being the platinum and VIP mainly. This makes you learn to give the best service that could possibly be given and also expect it in other places. I love traveling and I love to recommend hotels, airlines, trips and more, but it does depend on the experience too.
- Home & Family; I studied Industrial Design for a while and this gave me the opportunity to learn how products are created, therefore I always look the practical use, the ease of use, and the ergonomic functionality. I also enjoy if things are trendy, beautiful, or just what the house might need. Thanks to studying communication sciences later, I learned how good products need to be shared with the rest of the world for a good and enjoyable life, and also how bad marketing can affect a perfectly good product too.
- The Entertainment Industry; I learned how to play music since I was 4 years old, and have enjoyed music, from Classic to Alternative or Rock. I like to listen to what is trendy and evaluate if it is worthy of my time or not, and love going to concerts too, having friends in the music industry has made me also very good in advising some of them on what is trendy, and also given me experience to be with good musicians. This has also made me good in appreciating the creation of music itself and the enjoyment of collecting musical instruments whenever I am able. I come from a family that enjoys going to the movies too, sometimes staying at the movie theater all day and watching one to four movies in one afternoon. That is always fun and great to share with friends, specially if it is a good movie. I am very picky with special effects or a good story. I´ve seen most of the movies, good or bad, but I am good at being able to appreciate the work both in Music and in the Visuals.
- Art & Crafting supplies; I come from a family of artists, from poets and writers, to painters and musicians. I love sketching, and doing digital painting. My grandma used to be a painter and she used to give classes to children in which she also taught them to sculpt and other crafty fun things. Therefore I would always have a critique in the family, and that taught me to be more detailed oriented towards products and what to do with them, that also gave me a lot of areas to learn to be creative and enjoy products related to art and so on.
What I offer: As a Latino living in
North America, I offer reviews and posts in both English and Spanish.
Many people post reviews about products in English, but not many of
them would offer you reaching the fast-growing Latino population in
North America by offering information pertaining to your product in
both languages. Covering information on both English and Spanish has allowed us to reach readers at an international level. These are a few Countries from where our readers are: USA, Mexico, France, Bolivia, Colombia, UK, Spain, Germany, Russia, Mauritius, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and South Korea.
PR Friendly Homemaker-Student-Wife
(Who has a very fun and goofy inner child)
Please contact me for any additional information or product reviews at: agelessdoll(at)gmail(dot)com
Acerca de mí
Nombre: Laura VaraUbicación: El Condado Norte de San Diego, California
Soy una mujer latina y felizmente casada, con una pasión hacia todo tipo de productos, y gran curiosidad para lo que estos tienen que ofrecernos a nosotros los consumidores. Como otros consumidores de productos, me preocupa tener lo mejor de lo mejor en mi hogar. Para esto creo firmemente en la publicidad que va de boca en boca, y en las nuevas tendencias de evaluar productos en línea mediante mi muy sincera y honesta opinión acerca de las cosas que más amo, tales como: Muñecas y juguetes, tecnología, aparatos electrónicos y cachivaches, tendencias de moda, comida, viajes, familia y hogar, la industria del entretenimiento, las artes, y otros servicios los cuales hemos adaptado a nuestra vida moderna.
Lo que ofrezco: Como una mujer Latina viviendo en Norte America, ofrezco evaluaciones y publicaciones tanto en Ingles como en Español. Muchas personas publican estas evaluaciones de productos en Inglés, pero no muchas ofrecen llegar a la comunidad hispana que está creciendo con rapidez en Norte America, mediante publicaciones de un producto en ambos idiomas. Esto me ha llevado a categorizar a este blog como Internacional, ya que algunos países en los cuales tenemos lectores son los siguientes: EUA, México, Colombia, Bolivia, El Reino Unido, España, Alemania, Francia, Rusia, Mauritius, China, Tailandia, Hong Kong y Corea del Sur.
Ama de casa-Estudiante-Esposa (Con una cómica y divertida niña interna)
Amiga de las Relaciones Públicas.
Favor de contactarme vía electrónica para cualquier información adicional o evaluaciones de productos: agelessdoll(arroba)gmail(punto)com